Kion falls into the Digital World



Dashie: "This is my line"

Kion: "This is my line"


Title screen for brickout game with SDL on linux Title screen for brickout game with SDL on linux Title screen for brickout game with SDL on linux Title screen for brickout game with SDL on linux


  1. Loading Game Assets
    • Load images for the player, asteroids, bullets, and background.
    • Set up texture loading with SDL.
  2. Creating the Title Screen
    • Display a title graphic.
    • Implement a start button.
  3. Implementing the Game Loop
    • Handle user input (arrow keys for movement, spacebar for shooting).
    • Update the player's position.
    • Update the asteroid positions and handle asteroid splitting.
    • Handle collision detection between player, bullets, and asteroids.
    • Render the player, asteroids, bullets, and background.
  4. Handling Player Movement
    • Move the player forward and rotate left/right.
  5. Handling Player Shooting
    • Allow the player to shoot bullets in the direction they are facing.
    • Create and manage a bullet pool to reuse bullets.
  6. Implementing Asteroid Movement
    • Move asteroids in random directions.
    • Split asteroids into smaller pieces when shot.
  7. Ending the Game
    • End the game when the player is destroyed by an asteroid.
    • Display a game over message.
  8. Scoring
    • Keep track of and display the player's score.
    • Increment the score for each asteroid destroyed.
  9. Creating Success Screen
    • Display a success message when all asteroids are destroyed.
    • Provide an option to restart the game.
Kion falls into the Digital World