Kion falls into the Digital World

Falling Down the Rabbit Hole

Kion screams as he falls down, landing with a thud. The impact of the fall surprised him as his brain tries to comprehend what's going on. He finds himself in a dark cave barely illuminated by crystals and mushrooms scattered across the floor and walls. The air felt thick like being in an old library full of dusty books.

Still recovering from the shock of the fall, Kion hears a mysterious sound: "Fufufufu". The quiet laughter echoed through the cavern. The sound continued to grow and get closer. A dark shadow darted between mushrooms as it grew closer to Kion. Kion started to panic, he was still on the ground unable to stand after the fall. Kion started to try and crawl away from what ever was approaching him. The shadow darted and dissappeared as suddenly a figure appeared in front of him and bent down in front of his face. "Sup weeeeeb" the shadow cries as Kion sees its face.

A small rabbit loomed in front of Kion. "What is that!!?" Kion cried as his legs suddenly started working from the adrenaline. He scrambled back away from the figure. "Fufufu, you've met a cruel fate" the shadow says as it steps into the the light revealing its figure. " I'm dead!!?? " , Kion screams as the meaning of the line sank in. " No, I mean it looked like that hurt, my name's Dashie. Are you okay? " , as Kion finally gets a good look at the figure.

Kion's heart stops for a moment as the situation he's in becomes even more disconnected from reality. " A talking rabbit!!?? I really must be dead. " Kion holds his head in hands before starting to cry as he sobs on the floor. Dashie walks over to Kion and says, " Calm down weeb, it's not that bad. Maybe I can help you. " . Kion's face full of tears turns back to look at Dashie, " How do I get out of here? " , he asks.

Dashie puts her hand on her chin, and looks thoughtful. " Out... ? Hmmmmm.... " , she quietly ponders outloud for a moment before pounding on of her fist on the other. " You want out right, I think I can get you outta here weeb. " , she says as a creepy grin spreads across her face. Kion is a little taken aback by her expression but doesn't know what to make of it and nods out of despiration and a lack of other options.

"All right!" chimes Dashie. " This is where I live, so I've never been out of here. But I think I have an idea of how to get of here. Let's go weeb. " . Kion stops crying long enough to get back on his feet. "Right, thanks and my name's Kion by the way." , he says as he reaches out his hand for a handshake. Dashie completely ignores him and starts marching towards a tunnel coming out the side of the room. " Let's go weeb! " , she says as she points in the direction she's headed.


This point in the story is meant to parallel which set of programs to use. There are any number of other options that Kion could use, such as C++, Python, or even Unity or Godot.

In this respect Dashie is leading Kion through a rabbit hole that she is familiar with by passing by any number of other paths that could be taken. Dashie eventually leads to the way "out", which is blocked by a wall of Bricks.

Kion falls into the Digital World

This is where Dashie needs to get Kion oriented with his latent ability in the digital world. Kion is able to summon a terminal in front of him, and a keyboard on his arm, similar to a duel disk. It is here where Kion will need to get familiar with the basics of building and deploying in order to meet the challenges that will come up in the digital world.

Open a Window with SDL on Linux with Raspberry Pi

In terms of the mechanics of building and deploying, we have a computer dedicated for building and testing. And then a separate target device which will play the game once deployed to. This is a place where we can potentially use the blue triangle example as a way to create a window, create an OpenGL context, draw the triangle, set up orthangonal coordinates, and finally exiting once we detect a specific input.

Initilize open gl and draw a basic shape

If we throw in the ability to load a sprint, that would mean that we would only need to focus on game logic for each following step. Because each tutorial following this will start from this point, it's possible that we could add an obstacle into the underground section as a small introduction as a frame of reference for Kion to start his journey. Alternatively we can add this into the Brickout tutorial, and reduce the game logic there.

Or we can say that the first three steps of the Brickout tutorial are part of the forward. That way we could transition from using `fragColor` to define colors to loading sprites once part of the game logic for collision is working.