Kion falls into the Digital World



Dashie: "This is my line"

Kion: "This is my line"


Title screen for brickout game with SDL on linux Title screen for brickout game with SDL on linux Title screen for brickout game with SDL on linux Title screen for brickout game with SDL on linux


  1. Setting Up Your Development Environment
    • Install necessary tools (SDL, OpenGL, etc.).
    • Set up a project directory.
  2. Creating a Window with SDL
    • Initialize SDL.
    • Create a window and renderer.
  3. Setting Up OpenGL for 2D Rendering
    • Initialize OpenGL context.
    • Set up viewport and projection.
  4. Loading Game Assets
    • Load images for the snake, food, and background.
    • Set up texture loading with SDL.
  5. Creating the Title Screen
    • Display a title graphic.
    • Implement a start button.
  6. Implementing the Game Loop
    • Handle user input (arrow keys for movement).
    • Update the snake's position.
    • Check for collisions (with walls and food).
  7. Rendering the Game
    • Render the snake and food.
    • Draw the game area background.
  8. Adding Game Logic
    • Manage the snake's growth and movement.
    • Generate new food when eaten.
  9. Creating Success and Game Over Screens
    • Detect when the snake hits a wall or itself.
    • Display a game over message with score.
    • Implement a restart button.
  10. Cleaning Up and Exiting
    • Free resources and close SDL.
    • Provide an option to quit the game.
Kion falls into the Digital World