Kion falls into the Digital World



Dashie: "This is my line"

Kion: "This is my line"


Title screen for brickout game with SDL on linux


  1. Loading Game Assets
    • Load images for the player, asteroids, bullets, and background.
    • Set up texture loading with SDL.
  2. Creating the Title Screen
    • Display a title graphic.
    • Implement a start button.
  3. Implementing the Game Loop
    • Handle user input (arrow keys for movement, spacebar for shooting).
    • Update the player's position.
    • Update the asteroid positions and handle asteroid splitting.
    • Handle collision detection between player, bullets, and asteroids.
    • Render the player, asteroids, bullets, and background.
  4. Handling Player Movement
    • Move the player forward and rotate left/right.
  5. Handling Player Shooting
    • Allow the player to shoot bullets in the direction they are facing.
    • Create and manage a bullet pool to reuse bullets.
  6. Implementing Asteroid Movement
    • Move asteroids in random directions.
    • Split asteroids into smaller pieces when shot.
  7. Ending the Game
    • End the game when the player is destroyed by an asteroid.
    • Display a game over message.
  8. Scoring
    • Keep track of and display the player's score.
    • Increment the score for each asteroid destroyed.
  9. Creating Success Screen
    • Display a success message when all asteroids are destroyed.
    • Provide an option to restart the game.